Скачать AD Picture Viewer
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AD Picture Viewer |
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AD Picture Viewer is the fastest, easy-to-use and compact image viewer available for Windows platform. It allows you to view, print, organize and catalogue your image collections with ease. This program supports all popular graphic formats (BMP, JPEG, GIF/Animated GIF, PNG, PCX, TIFF, TGA, etc), has a simple but powerful built-in file manager that allows you to copy, rename/move, delete images and set image as a wallpaper on your Windows desktop. AD Picture Viewer allows you to modify images using different filters. This program supports two viewing modes: Manual mode (the user has to use keyboard or mouse to force the program display the next image) and Slide-show mode (the program will show you your images one by one automatically using the user-defined time interval). The built-in 'picture list' option makes the image collections load easier. The Picture Description feature allows you to create multiline notes for each image. |
Скачать AD Picture Viewer 3.9.1 бесплатно
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Программа, которая позволит вам просматривать цифровые изображения.