Скачать Bucharchiv v3
Bucharchiv v3 |
Manage your book collection comfortable on your computer. Select the desired book from different Internet databases – high resolution cover picture inclusive – simply by entering title, author and publisher or by scanning the barcode EAN / ISBN. EBooks in the formats ePub, iBook and PDF can also be managed and read. The most important features are: full text search, grouped list-view, and assignment of filters, categories, print, online-reviews and quotations, lend/borrow and designable screen. Take advantage of the architecture, security, speed and reliability of Microsoft SQL Server within Bucharchiv v3. Experience and enjoy the high availability of your data by synchronizing multiple PCs in your network. Your data on your mobile PC (laptop, netbook, Ultrabook or tablet) are available even when you are traveling and there is no connection to your network. You have your data always available. Changes you make are automatically synchronized later when these devices are reconnected to your network. With only one click, you add books from new releases and popular books to your catalog. With the views as a bookshelf, as Cover Flow, as more fully detailed view or a classic list, you can customize in addition the color design of the screen. With eBook Reader you can read your PDF-, ePub- and iBook-books easily on your PC. The search finds on request text within the books. As of Professional edition you can enable guest access, and your friends can view your database with a read-only access and copy individual books in their own database. In addition, you can create an exchange file and import it on another PC to replace individual books with your friends, for example, by e-mail or a USB stick. |
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