Скачать Eseutil Exchange 2010
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Eseutil Exchange 2010 |
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At times when Eseutil Exchange 2010 is failed to help repair Exchange 2010 database, Kernel for Exchange Server Recovery software turns out to be fruitful. The software restores the corrupt EDB file to its original state within few moments. Its self explaining graphical user interface and inbuilt recovery modes make it the best Exchange Server recovery tool. It has three modes that facilitate the users to restore the damaged EDB file in PST or EDB format. Users’ mailboxes that are saved in PST file format can be easily accessed with MS Outlook 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000, and earlier versions. While the EDB file can be mounted to any version of Exchange Server, such as Exchange Server 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000, 5.5, and 5.0. The software is available for free trial. One can try the free version to evaluate the software before purchasing it. The free version can be installed to Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and earlier versions to perform EDB recovery. Apart from this, the free version displays preview of the recovered data. One can preview as many emails he wants and after getting satisfied with the quality of the recovered data, he can purchase the software to save the recovered data. The free version, however, allows previewing the data, it cannot be used to recreate the damaged EDB file. The damaged EDB file can be recreated for mounting to Exchange Server using the Full version of the Kernel for Exchange Server recovery software. The state of the recreated EDB file can be verified in single click before replacing the damaged EDB file with it. For more details: www.eseutilexchange2003.com |
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