Скачать Excel Net Library
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Excel Net Library |
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The .NET Excel Library by IronXL is fully functioning Software Library to allow .NET developers to Read, Write and Manipulate Excel Spreadsheet files in popular .NET languages C# or VB.NET. Find out more at: https://ironsoftware.com/csharp/excel/tutorials/how-to-read-excel-file-csharp/ Excel is one of the most popular file formats used in the business world, and .NET is one of the most common programming platforms within corporate and government working environments. Iron Excel provides a bridge between the Excel file format and the .NET programming platform, allowing developers to easily work with Excel within any type of web, desktop, console, or server application. To use IronXL Excel .NET Library you do not need to install Microsoft Office or Excel on your server. Iron Excel works standalone, with no other dependencies. Some of the common issues developers face with Excel is that the Microsoft-provided Office Interopp interface for Excel requires Microsoft Office to be installed on your target machine. This makes deploying applications to server environments unreasonable and to host applications unreasonable. IronExcel fixes this by providing a dependency-free, native .NET way of working with Excel and a user-friendly API which is easy to understand because it is based on pure .NET code and not a wrapper for legacy C programs. Supports: IronXL functions well in C#, VB.NET, MVC, ASP.NET for Websites, Console and Desktop APPs. Nuget Install for Visual Studio here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/IronXL.Excel |
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