Скачать IBA Bingo Card Maker
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IBA Bingo Card Maker |
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This software allows you to create and print thousands of custom bingo cards. You can add pictures or text to your bingo cards or use pictures or text in place of the numbers. The software can print a master bingo sheet and has a built in number generator which also supports manual entry. If you operate a bingo hall you may include a serial number, barcode*, or control number on your bingo cards for verification purposes. The software's number generator tool also has a built in bingo card checking feature which allows you to check your bingo cards winning status The software supports bingo cards with or without free space and you may replace the free space text with a free space picture or change the free space text. If you need bingo cards based around a different number of bingo balls e.g. you need 25 balls instead of 75, our card class wizard can create the card class you need or perhaps you may use one of our pre-installed card classes. Our software supports bingo card sizes at little as 3 x 3 with only 9 balls to bingo card sizes as big as 10 x 10 with 250 balls If you would like to print your bingo cards on special paper then you can adjust the margins so that your bingo cards print in to your target area The software allows you to print the image of the current bingo pattern on to your cards. You may also add page color to your bingo card frame in order to better association your cards with a particular game There is a feature which allows you to save your bingo card to the jpg or bmp format. You can also adjust the color quality of those images. You may also choose a Dots Per Inch (DPI) range from 25 to 1200 The software will print to almost any printer. If your printer works within windows, chances are, it will work with our software. We implement a 'delay printing' system that allows you to print other items while you are printing our items in case your printer of choice is used frequently. |
Скачать IBA Bingo Card Maker 1.22.0 бесплатно
Использование кейгенов, генераторов ключей, пиратских ключей или серийных номеров для получения лицензионного ключа к программе IBA Bingo Card Maker 1.22.0 является незаконным деянием и препятствует дальнейшему развитию программного обеспечения
Все ссылки для скачивания программы ведут непосредственно на доверенные веб-сайты разработчика
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