Скачать iPhone Tab Bar Icons
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iPhone Tab Bar Icons |
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The mobile industry is currently one of the most promising and lucrative. It is rapidly developing and adapting to the requirements of our modern lifestyle. This is why there is a great need for quality software to improve the efficiency of iOS users. Using the set of iPhone Tab Bar Icons, it is possible to develop professional-looking applications for doctors, home users, sellers, buyers, women, book-keepers, bankers, developers and other specialists. The newest set contains icons depicting various objects including house, children, medicine, transport, documents, computers, networks and many more. There are also a number of icons representing professional positions such as doctor, policeman, teacher, worker, designer, and boss. Technically, iPhone Tab Bar Icons include 1255 unique app icons drawn in matching style, each coming in black and white versions. Resolutions of 20x20, 30x30, 40x40, and 60x60 pixels in PNG and PSD formats are included. Developing mobile software can be quite a challenge in itself, and there is likely a limit on the time and money you can spend on the interface. This is where the simplicity and usability of ready-made icons proves its worth. Using iPhone Tab Bar Icons, it will only take minutes to develop a program interface for a trading-related application or design for a iOS-style website. The set of iPhone Tab Bar Icons gives all the visual tools necessary to the business management. This package will make your interface as intuitive and attractive as possible. More info is here: http://www.iconempire.com/stock-icons/iphone-tab-bar-icons.htm As a general rule, Apple imposes very strict requirements on how to implement these icons so that every app running on the iPhone, iPad, or iPod platform conforms to common specifications and visual guidelines. Specifications ensure that your app looks in line with products offered by Apple and third-party developers. Try to visit blog about icons: blog.aha-soft.com |
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