Скачать PCBooster Free Icon Extractor
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PCBooster Free Icon Extractor |
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Icons convey lots of info in lot less time compared to texts & sometimes you may want to use icons in your website mock-ups, applications, designs, presentations, etc. PCBooster Free Icon Extractor is a handy tool to help you extract high quality icons or icon arrays from a program file. Unlike many other icon extractors, it can extract icons from 16*16 up to 256*256! What's more, you can extract other resources like images, sounds, cursors and even AVI videos from EXE, DLL, ICL, OCX, CPL, etc. Compared to most free icon extraction tools which extract smaller icon image sizes, such as 16*16, 32*32, or 48*48 pixels, PCBooster Free Icon Extractor can extract icons of any size from program files with high-quality, even those icons in larger sizes (256*256 pixels) used in Windows 7/8. It's very useful for many professional icon designers. This powerful icon extraction utility helps extract icons embedded into any files (executables, Windows libraries, resource files etc.) with one mouse click. Thus, you can get free icon collections to use as favicon or use for posters, newsletters and presentations, etc. without buying expensive one. This free icon extractor is capable of extracting images (icons, bitmaps, cursors) to save BMP, ICO, EMF or WMF image format without any compression for further design, drawing or editing. It also extracts any unique sounds like click, whistle, squeak, etc. as well as an interesting video clip from your resources for video producing. Working as a free resource extractor, PCBooster Free Icon Extractor not only extracts icons but other kinds of resources contained in .exe, .dll, .icl, .ocx, .cpl, .src, .ico, .cur files, system files and more. Just use the extracted resources for different purposes. You are allowed to easily zoom in or zoom out the extracted image with different percentage patterns or use the inbuilt previewer to view the extracted images as well as related images info. |
Скачать PCBooster Free Icon Extractor 7.6.6 бесплатно
Использование кейгенов, генераторов ключей, пиратских ключей или серийных номеров для получения лицензионного ключа к программе PCBooster Free Icon Extractor 7.6.6 является незаконным деянием и препятствует дальнейшему развитию программного обеспечения
Все ссылки для скачивания программы ведут непосредственно на доверенные веб-сайты разработчика
В то время как вы просматриваете незаконные сайты, которые распространяют кейгены, генераторы ключей, пиратские ключи или серийные номера для
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