Скачать Players Commander
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Players Commander |
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Players Commander is the ultimate management software for your games. Players Commander Features: + Get your games into Players Commander and you never need to re-install them, even if you re-install your OS or buy a new PC*. + Easy transfer desired games and/or savegames to another PC. + Play games directly from a mobile hard disk on any other PC which is capable to run the games. Just start and play! + Allows you to use different versions of a game. Play the latest version, older game versions or with modifications as you like. + Optionally join all savegames locations in ONE folder, making savegame backup much easier. + Optionally assign a game's savegame folder directly into the game's folder. + View games by genre, single player favorites or multi player favorites. + View play counts. When you re-install your OS, or if you buy a new PC, Players Commander saves you from: How Players Commander works: After protocolizing the game installation you can get the game into Players Commander. The build-in Wizard can move the game to a separate hard drive or partition (highly recommended). All details are saved in the Players Commander database. This allows to start the game in an OS were it was never installed. System Requirements: |
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