Скачать Sofonica MP3 Cutter
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Sofonica MP3 Cutter |
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Sofonica MP3 Cutter is the freeware which can cut small parts from any MP3 songs.These clipped parts can be used as ring-tones in your mobile.The small part of MP3 can be used in the presentations as well.These can also be used as start up sound in windows.MP3 Cutter comes with many advanced facilities like highlighting the selection,playing the selection,volume control and etc.Once the song is loaded,the parts can be extracted without loading the song again.Also,the extraction is fast and loss-less.This means that the quality of the song is retained when it is cut.Cutting a song is just a three step process.Step 1 : Set the start point. Step 2 : Set the end point Step3 : Click on save.The clipped song will be saved in the desired location.The best of all is that the software is free. Following are the features of Sofonica MP3 Cutter : a) Make ring-tones for your mobile. b) Use clipped sound in you presentations. c) Make alarm ring-tone for desktop alarm software. d) Use the clipped portion as start-up/shutdown sound of windows(After converting to wav) |
Скачать Sofonica MP3 Cutter 1.1 бесплатно
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