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URL AUTOFIRE – FEATURES The areas of use for the URL AUTOFIRE software is massive, the limit basically depends on the creativity-level of its users. The software consists of 3 applications: The URL AUTOFIRE Main program, The URL AUTOFIRE Scheduler and The URL AUTOFIRE Task monitor. THE URL AUTOFIRE – MAIN PROGRAM This is, as you probably figured out, the primary application and the one you start up with in order to register and activate your License. The URL AUTOFIRE Main program is used for running single Automatic Clicking task without any scheduling. The URL AUTOFIRE Main program lets you choose between Simple Link Clicker or Advanced Link Clicker mode. If using the Simple Link Clicker mode it picks links and referrers randomly and it is grabbed from two txt files inside the program folder. Basically you just paste all the links (blasts) you want into the link txt file and the all referrers in the link referrers file. If choosing the Advanced Link Clicker you can specify referrer for each and every link. Despite the name it is quite easy. The Advanced Link Clicker uses a single link/referrer text file where each link->referrer is based with a space, for example: http://mylink1.com http://myreferrer1.com, of course it is also possible to leave some links without any referrer at all. Just remember to put a space just after the link if you`re not using any referrer. THE URL AUTOFIRE SCHEDULER This application can be reffered to as the other brain half. In The URL AUTOFIRE Scheduler you can set up multiple Automatic Clicking tasks to run whenever you want. It works pretty much as the cronjob functions in cPanel for those who are familiar with this. Here you can set several tasks, for instance, you can set a task to blast clicks while you are sleeping like: 500 Clicks, Randomly 5-30 sec between clicks, Scheduled to run between 1am-5am. The URL AUTOFIRE Scheduler allows you set up Automatic Linkclicking tasks hours, days or even weeks ahead. |
Скачать URL AUTOFIRE 1.0 бесплатно
Использование кейгенов, генераторов ключей, пиратских ключей или серийных номеров для получения лицензионного ключа к программе URL AUTOFIRE 1.0 является незаконным деянием и препятствует дальнейшему развитию программного обеспечения
Все ссылки для скачивания программы ведут непосредственно на доверенные веб-сайты разработчика
В то время как вы просматриваете незаконные сайты, которые распространяют кейгены, генераторы ключей, пиратские ключи или серийные номера для
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