Отзывы MB Graha Drishti (Planetary Aspects)
MB Graha Drishti (Planetary Aspects) |
MB Graha Drishti (Planetary Aspects) is based on the Vedic Astrology principles and does a free planetary aspects calculation to find out the planetary influences on each other. Using this planetary aspects software or graha drishti calculator you can know the relative angular positions of the astrology planets in your natal chart and can also get the explanations of planetary influences on you due to the angular aspects among the planets. Each of the astrology planets has the ability to influence the other planets. The nature of these mutual influences or mutual planetary effects depends on the relative angular planetary positions. Graha drishti calculation or planetary aspect calculation can let you know the exact planetary aspects or the graha dishti details, the analysis of which can give you an insight into how the planets are influencing your nature, personality and even the situations and possibilities in your life. A graha drishti analysis or planet aspects interpretation from MB Graha Drishti (Planetary Aspects) Software can provide you with the complete planetary aspect details and also the interpretations for them. All you need to do is just to download this planet aspects calculator. |
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