Monkey Tools is a set of shell/console/command line utilities, as well as some GUI based applications that can be controlled from command line. The utilities include: - iutil.exe is a tool that prevents more than one instance of any application you choose. - appwarn.exe is a simple message box that displays a custom error message for your users. - nocmd.exe is a tool that allow you to run a dos script without the contents of a command window (hidden). - messagebox.exe is a console tool that allows you to bring up a number of different types of message box onto a Windows desktop. - shutdown.exe (and command.exe), is a console tool that allows you to shutdown, restart, log off or lock your PC. - geturltext.exe is a console tool that retrieves all the text from a web page. - wait.exe is a console tool that pauses a script for a specific amount of time. - associate.exe is a tool that allow you to add file associations for Windows.
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