SWF to Animated GIF Maker is free to evaluate before buy a license for it.
Features of SWF to Animated GIF Maker: 1.Support all windows platforms. It can run in 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/2008/7 systems with flash plug-in must installed. 2.Convert frames of more than one flash video to gif. 3.Support keeping original size after conversion. 4.Allow customizing the size for the converted gif files. 5.Allow choosing whether show the conversion process or not. 6.Allow setting the frame rate. 7.Set the capture intervals between frames to make different gif files. 8.Allow you to set the gif replay times according to your need. 9.Allow you to preview the added Flash in the software interface. 10.Enjoy the Flash file during the conversion if you like.
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