VeryDOC Web Thumbnail Creator can be used to batch convert html, mhtml files or Web URLs to image files, it captures the whole web page's content into JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF, GIF, WMF, EMF file quickly, it can generate thumbnail image preview or high quality image file (more than 600DPI, for printing purpose) from any web page or URL.
VeryDOC Web Thumbnail Creator is handy and powerful. The software can be run using the handy interface or in batch mode to convert large volumes of HTML, MHTML files or Web URLs in real-time.
VeryDOC Web Thumbnail Creator Key Features:
1. Web Thumbnail Creator supports generate thumbnail previews of web pages;
2. Web Thumbnail Creator supports generate high quality image files (more than 600DPI, for printing purpose) from web pages;
3. Web Thumbnail Creator supports create full length screenshots of website pages;
4. Web Thumbnail Creator supports convert MHTML and HTML files to images;
5. Web Thumbnail Creator supports create website screenshots automatically on scheduled time;
6. Web Thumbnail Creator supports convert web pages to JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIF, WMF and EMF formats;
7. Web Thumbnail Creator supports JPEG compression level (adjustment for JPEG image's quality);
8. Web Thumbnail Creator supports keep width and height of original web pages in output images;
9. Web Thumbnail Creator supports to specify width and height to output images;
10. Web Thumbnail Creator supports capturing sites with flash content;
11. Web Thumbnail Creator supports timeout of web page on loading, this will avoid hang problem on huge HTML file;
12. Web Thumbnail Creator supports delayed snapshots of web page, e.g. for Flash, Javascript, SVG, Java Applet, iFrame, etc. objects;
13. Web Thumbnail Creator supports run at background, web pages don't need to be displayed for capturing;