Wallpaper Slideshow is a great utility for displaying your favorite photos as desktop wallpaper. Wallpaper Slideshow offers you complete control on your wallpapers collection and allows you to easily set your favorite images (JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP) as desktop wallpaper. Wallpaper Slideshow is simple to use, intuitive and complete with full context-sensitive help. Multi monitor support, it can display a different wallpaper on each monitor.
Key features: - User friendly interface with full context-sensitive help. - Displays an unlimited amount of images - Displays images randomly or sequentially - Supports JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, BMP file formats. - Can change wallpaper automatically after a specified time period (e.g. every 60 minutes) - Can change wallpaper on every Windows startup - Automatically resizes images to fit your screen size - High quality image resize (bicubic with prefilter) - Can use a different background color for each wallpaper - Use a system tray icon for an easy control of the software - Ability to hide your Windows desktop icons - Display a preview of selected wallpapers - Multi monitor support - Easy install/uninstall
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