Скачать Game Copy and Backup
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Game Copy and Backup |
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Game Copy Wizard (Game Copy and Backup) is a better and easier way for you to completely copy or backup any Video Games. Completely unlike anything our competitors are offering, it allows you to make quality backups of your games using a CD or DVD burner. Have you ever been bothered that you cannot copy or backup video games? You are in the right place! From now on you can copy your original discs and play the backups you have made with Game Copy and Backup. What Game Copy and Backup can do for you ? – Exact 1:1 copying of all discs, so you won't have to worry about missing out on anything. The Game Copy and Backup System is advanced that it gets through the latest so called unbreakable protection with ease and lets you burn these games to any regular blank CD or DVD.The whole process takes about 2-5 minutes (not including that time it takes to burn the game to a blank disc). And because security protection is constantly evolving and changing, so is the Game Copy and Backup software.You'll receive all of the current updates and upgrades to Game Copy and Backup, so you'll be able to continue copying all of your games well into the future; no matter how advanced or complex video game protection becomes. |
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