MAPILab Reports for Exchange is a software solution for reports on Exchange servers activity and messaging. Over 170 product reports are designed to assist you in mailing system parameters monitoring, resources optimization, mailbox and message content analysis, preparation for upgrade and migration, safety audit and accidents investigation. The product is easily implemented in any business environment due to the agentless data collection and the possibility of installation on an average workstation.
MAPILab Reports for Exchange Server contains the reports on: 1) Reports on message flow. These allow investigation of message exchange at any level of detail from a specific message to the number of messages in a quarter, on any scale, from one user to the entire organization, and by any physical or logical cross-section, for example, by Exchange server, department, or organizational unit. 2) Messaging statistics. The distribution of messages by size, number of recipients, time of delivery, day of the week, time of day and other parameters. 3) Storage reports. Includes reports on the size and growth trends of Exchange storages, their physical and logical organization, access rights and settings. 4) Mailbox reports. A large group of reports covering the use of mailboxes, sizes and trends, settings and rights of access, and contents of mailboxes – type and size of folders, items in folders, attachments. 5) Reports about public folders. Reports by access rights, use, size and content, settings and replication, distribution group or mailing list membership. 6) Distribution group reports. Reports by membership and nesting, their properties and permission, intensity of use and traffic. 7) Outlook Web Access. A set of reports with various grouping options and levels of detail, showing who, when and from where Outlook Web Access services have been used.
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