Описание MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Aspects
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MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Aspects |
MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Aspects finds the mutual effects of the planets due to their planetary positions and explains the influence of the planetary aspects on your personality and natural traits. This tool lets you know the planetary positions in your natal chart according to the Vedic astrology principles. Using MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Aspects you will also get an insight into the positive and negative traits of your personality. The free planetary aspects reading will offer you an interpretation of how your career, finance, personal relationships and health. The astrology planets have different types of influence on the other planets, depending on their powers due to their particular planetary positions. Therefore, the influence of Venus on you would be different from the effects of Venus aspected by Mars. Again, the aspect of Pluto on Jupiter may not let it behave in the way it usually does, resulting in a change in the type of influence that the king of the planets has on you. If you know the planetary aspects as they appear in your Vedic astrology natal chart, you can be aware of the way your natural traits are influenced and also the way you should cope with your situations. Using MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Aspects Software you can get a free planets aspects analysis. You can download the software for free. It’s a very user-friendly software. The instructions to run this tool for free Vedic astrology planetary aspects reading are available in the help page. Скачать программу MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Aspects 1.0 можно абсолютно бесплатно без регистрации по прямой ссылке на странице загрузки. |
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