Описание UpdateStar Online Backup
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UpdateStar Online Backup |
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UpdateStar Online Backup means secure, unlimited and user-friendly backup. Data disasters can strike in many ways. Chances are you have precious data stored on your PC or netbook. That's why it is always a good idea to use a secure offsite backup. No matter, if your hard drive crashes, your PC gets stolen, or you simply deleted the wrong files, with UpdateStar Online Backup you are on the safe side. Why put your digital life at risk? 1GB, 100GB or 1000GB of important data? No problem! Protect yourself, because when it comes to your digital life a copy of your precious data is the most important thing – apart from the original data. Once installed UpdateStar Online Backup works in the background of your PC. You will love how easy it is to set up and get started. It creates offsite backups of your important files and looks for new and changed files to be backed up. UpdateStar Online Backup will do a differential backup every day. Your PC's default folders are automatically backed up – and you can easily add and remove folders to be included in your backup. Do you have important or even irreplaceable content stored on your computer? Documents, photos, music, financials to name just a few, how would you feel if these files where gone? There are quite some possibilities to lose important files. It can happen easily – a hard drive crash, theft, a natural disaster, or simply an accidental deletion of files. These examples are all very real possibilities. UpdateStar Online Backup offers protection for your data. You can get easily started with a risk-free trial. Discover how easy it is to protect irreplaceable digital content of your computer. Your backup files are encrypted before they ever leave your PC. The offsite transfer is done with a secure connection before the encrypted files are stored encrypted on UpdateStar backup server facilities. This means maximum privacy for your backed up files. Скачать программу UpdateStar Online Backup 3.0.0 можно абсолютно бесплатно без регистрации по прямой ссылке на странице загрузки. |
Системные утилиты – Резервное копирование и восстановление | |
3.0.0 | |
31.01.12 | |
Windows | |
Demo (69.95 USD, 59.9 EUR) | |
UpdateStar | |
20.03.14 | |
20.03.14 | |
Win7 x32 Win7 x64 WinVista WinVista x64 WinXP |
~8 МбСкачать программу UpdateStar Online Backup 3.0.0 | |
не присвоен | |
3509 | |
1452 |
UpdateStar Online Backup 3.0.0?
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