ABTO Software offers IVR VoIP SIP SDK – customizable interactive voice response software solution that supports multiple lines and all features of our VoIP SIP SDK: * Support of all versions of Windows OS, including Windows 8 * Support of SIP, RTP, and SDP * STUN and other IETF standards (compatible with SER, OpenSER and Asterisk) * Encryption mode that accepts secure media * Support of ActiveX, COM, and plain dll files * Video support (H.263, H.264) * Multiple sip accounts registration (NEW) * Automatic selection of correct network interface (NEW) * IVR, presence, voice mail samples (NEW) * ICE support (NEW) * SIP Registrar (SIP server) support * DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) * SIP Proxy authentication * Support of calls: Hold/Retrieve Call, Forward Call (Blind Call Transfer), Transfer Call (Attended Transfer) * Software volume control * Record conversation into file * Playback of WAV files into conversation * IM interface * Multi-party voice conference * Multiline support * Noise reduction * Adaptive silence detection * Mute Sound * Support of Virtual Private Network (VPN)
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