Скачать Digital Ear Real-Time
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Digital Ear Real-Time |
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> What is Digital Ear Real-Time? Digital Ear Real-Time can analyze a recorded or live solo performance (e.g. a singing human voice, or a musical instrument) and convert it to a standard MIDI file. That file can be send directly to any synthesizer, or can be imported to your favorite sequencer (e.g. Cubase VST, Cakewalk etc. ) for mixing with other tracks, or further processing. Digital ear reads standard PCM wave (.wav) files. > Beyond «Pitch-to-MIDI» Conversion Unlike conventional so-called «Pitch-to-MIDI» converters, Digital Ear will send high-resolution pitch events closely matching those of your original sound. Any vibrato, tremolo, pitch-bend, or portamento effects of your recorded sound will be faithfully converted and reproduced into any voice of your synthesizer. > Pitch is Only the Beginning... A unique capability of Digital Ear not found elsewhere, is that it can capture and send to your MIDI synthesizer, detailed envelope and timbre dynamics events. Those features can boost your synthesizer's voice realism and enhance your musical expression. Think of Digital Ear as your ultimate MIDI controller! |
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